2016-17 Bing Overseas Studies Photo Contest
Photo Contest Winners, from top
Fieldwork in the Andean Foothills by Wyatt Mullen
Academic Pursuit Winner, Santiago, Spring 2016-17
“In our class, “Living Chile: A Land of Extremes,” we had two field trips into the parks surrounding Santiago where we conducted cross sections to study native species diversity in the fragile Mediterranean Climate ecosystem. In this photo, the members of the class and other interested students from the Santiago Program are headed up the trail towards the foothills of the looming snowcapped Andes.”
I’m on a Boat (ft Stanford students) by Benjamin Yeh
Academic Pursuit, Honorable Mention, Patagonia, Chile/Argentina Seminar, Summer 2015-16
“Given the proliferation of legal (and illegal) salmon farms in the Chilean fjords, water quality has become an increasing concern. We wanted to collect and analyze our data to be used as a baseline to which future studies could be compared to, allowing scientific quantification of the effects of human activity on the natural water system.”
Zen Calligraphy by Whitney Francis
Bing Trips, Winner, Kyoto Spring 2016-17
“This is a photo from our Bing trip to Taizo-in Temple, where we got to experience the many aspects of Zen Buddhism, one of which is the practice of calligraphy.”
Como si hubiéramos sido transportados a Marte by Natalie Chun
Bing Trips, Honorable Mention, Santiago, Summer 2015-16
“The story about this image begins with our excursions on our second day on our Bing trip in the Atacama desert. Following some schedule changes, the instructors decided that we had just enough time to catch the sunset in Valle de la Luna. Upon arrival, we all made a mad dash toward the nearest peak to ensure that we wouldn't miss the sun. At first, running along the dirt road was no issue, but as we ascended, the dirt turned into mounds of slippery sand. Although we all struggled, once we made it to the top, the view was incredible and indescribable. While one side comprised of a massive sand dune, the other was rocky, with undulating small hills. What was most incredible was the transformed coloring of the landscape. Colors ranged from orange and red to dark brown-ish purples. I could not have imagined a more serene and surreal experience. Aptly named the valley of the moon, the combination of feeling as if I were on another planet, mixed with awe and consternation, has left this imagery crystal clear in my mind. Although it was a little rushed, I am so thankful that we had this opportunity.”
Carnivale Keymaster by Brandon Racca
Cultures, Customs and Traditions, Winner. Florence, Winter 2016-17
“Among all of the masked people, winding canals and lively squares, an individual sat above all in Piazza San Marco. He offered me the keys in his hand. My time in Venice as one of the most interesting cultural experiences I encountered during my time in Italy. Carnevale was a curious way to celebrate a religious occasion and participating in something that could be felt through the whole city was unique and rewarding.”
Yukata Do What Yukata Do by Meagan Shinbashi
Cultures, Customs and Traditions, Honorable Mention. Kyoto, Spring 2015-16
“During the summer of 2016, many students in the Stanford Kyoto Internship Program and I attended Japan’s largest summer festival – Gion Matsuri in Kyoto. There, all of us dressed up in traditional Japanese summer yukatas and wandered around town to enjoy all the street food and events. It was by far one of the coolest things I got to experience abroad – spending time with friends to explore the city, taking lots of pictures in our traditional garb, eating endless amounts of food are memories I will always treasure. This photo was taken when we were taking a break by the Kamo River, which runs through the heart of Kyoto. Zane Zook, Nathaniel Agharese, Alexandra Bernard and Brian Ngo are pictured.”
Joy by Ashlea Haney
Photo Favorite, Winner. Cape Town, Winter 2015-16
“When I reflect back to our experience in Cape Town, I think about the pure and absolute joy we all felt. The sun was warm, the ocean was crisp, the food was delicious, and the people were kind. South Africa, though still complicated and suffering, is a place of undeniable beauty and hope. This picture shows a dear friend soaking it all in.”
Eddie by Carolyn Kravitz
Photo Favorite, Honorable Mention. Santiago, Autumn 2016-17
“On this trip to one of Chile’s most popular beaches, Eddie Wang (Stanford c/o 2018) showed off some of his tricking moves. I especially loved this dynamic shot from the sequence, as the eye is consistently drawn towards the center of the photo. Eddie was soon joined by a group of young Chileans practicing parkour.”
The Perfect Park by Jason McRuer
Urban & Natural World, Winner. Berlin, Spring 2016-17
“A picture of my favorite park to run in, called Natur-Park Schoneberger Sudgelande which seamlessly ties together abandoned train tracks, graffiti, sculptures, and long winding paths through trees. The quote from Karl Ganser at the entrance reads, ‘Die Kunst ist der nachste Nachbar der Wildnis’ which translates to ‘art is the closest neighbor to wilderness.’ It perfectly captures Berlin, which is brimming with new art and beautiful parks.”
Sassi by Luke Murphy
Urban & Natural World, Honorable Mention. Florence, Winter 2016-17
“During our Bing Trip to the southern region of Puglia, we visited the Matera, one of the oldest still-existing cities in the world. The nighttime views of the city cannot be accurately described in words; the magic of the caves and ravines both within and without the city are only slightly captured by photograph."