Akshay Gupta

Akshay Gupta - Stanford at The University of Queensland, Australia
Major: Economics
College year while abroad: Senior
Email Akshay or schedule an appointment
Why did you choose to study in Australia?
Australia was on my bucket list since I started college, so being able to travel throughout Australia through the program and participate in hands on fieldwork was an easy decision for me.
What were your expectations before you went and how did they change once you were in Australia?
Before the program, I thought it was mostly going to be at the University of Queensland with a few trips throughout the quarter. However, we only stayed at the University of Queensland for about a month, and the other two months were spent traveling throughout Eastern Australia. A unique feature of the program is that we take only one class at a time, with each course specific to our current location. For example, we studied Coral Reef Ecosystems for 10 days while staying on Heron Island, and we took Australian Studies while in Brisbane and Sydney.
What were some of the academic benefits from studying abroad in Australia?
I think one of the biggest academic benefits was the opportunity to take new classes that I would not normally take at Stanford. Being an Economics major and Computer Science Coterm, it was a nice way to explore my interest in climate and specifically blue carbon.
What did you learn about yourself while studying abroad?
I think the biggest thing I learned about myself during the program is the importance of trying new things. While staying on campus can seem like the safe option because it's familiar, if I hadn't been willing to miss my senior fall, I never would have experienced my favorite quarter at Stanford. It reinforced the importance of being open to exploring and branching out of my comfort zone.
What was the most challenging experience you encountered while abroad and what did you learn from it?
I think the most challenging part of the trip was the 18 hour time difference difference from Stanford. This made it hard to call my friends and family back home, but also helped me be more independent throughout the trip.
What was the biggest cultural adjustment you had to make?
The biggest cultural adjustment I had to make was not being able to watch the NFL on Sunday afternoons. Instead, we learned about Australia's most famous sport, which is Australian Rules Football, which is a unique blend of soccer, rugby, and elements of American football.
What was your favorite part of everyday life?
My favorite part of the program was the outdoors aspect. Whether it was snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef, hiking through the sclerophyll forest, or learning how to surf in Noosa, every day in the program brought a new and exciting adventure.
What was the most memorable experience you had while in Australia?
I think the most memorable experience from the program was the sunrise snorkeling sessions on Heron Island. Walking straight from our rooms to snorkel right in the Great Barrier Reef as the sun rose was something I will never forget.
What 5 words would you use to describe the experience?
Memorable, Adventurous, Lively, Entertaining and Eye-opening.
What was your favorite food or music?
I'm not sure about my favorite food but the most interesting food we tried was a kangaroo steak at the Birrunga Cafe in Brisbane.
What was the most valuable item you took on the program?
My phone. It allowed me to capture pictures of all the amazing experiences we had and helped me navigate so I wouldn’t get lost during the trip.