Nolan Mejia
Nolan Mejia (he/him) - Stanford in Madrid
Majors: Management Science and Engineering
Minor: Spanish
College year while abroad: Junior
About the photo: This photo was taken in a palace in a town called Sintra, right outside of Lisbon, Portugal. It was my first trip outside of Spain and I was so amazed by the view that my friends captured my happiness in a photo.
Why did you choose to study abroad in Madrid?
I chose to study in Madrid because I really wanted to improve my Spanish speaking ability which is really enhanced by committing to the language pledge and living with a host family. Spain is also an amazing destination in general with so much to offer: delicious food, rich culture, deep history, and more!
What were your expectations before you went and how did those change once you arrived in Madrid?
I wasn't expecting to explore Madrid as much as I did! In my architecture class we went to different buildings across the city, with my host family we would go to parks, and with my friends we would explore all the city has to offer! Taking a lighter course load, I found myself having time after class to explore!
What were some of the academic benefits from studying abroad in Madrid?
The main academic benefit is that you get to take so many unique classes! As an engineering major, I don't get to explore the humanities as much but my time in Madrid allowed me to take a class on architecture and politics. This broadened my academic horizons, making me a better student and learner.
What did you learn about yourself while you were studying abroad?
Before study abroad I thought I could never live outside of the United States, let alone California. After successfully completing the Madrid program, I am very open to the idea of living somewhere completely new, even if its in a different country! I am much more open to new possibilities and adventures after studying abroad.
What was the most challenging experience you encountered while you were abroad and what did you learn from it?
What was the biggest cultural adjustment you had to make?
The biggest cultural adjustment was adjusting to the meal times. At school, I eat lunch at 12 and dinner at 6 every day. In Spain, I would eat lunch at 3 and dinner at 9 which took some getting used to (my stomach would grumble all the time for the first few days!!!). But you get adjusted real quick to the times and I honestly came to like it a lot!
What was your favorite part of your everyday life in Madrid?
I really loved the flexibility and freedom living in a big city gave me - there are endless possibilities. Living in Madrid makes it easy to be spontaneous! Saying yes to a friend who wants to walk El Retiro after class, or going to Plaza de España to see the different food stalls, or going thrifting in Malasaña are all super feasible - the world is your oyester!
What was the most memorable experience you had while you were in Madrid?
My most memorable experience in Spain was going to El Clásico, the famous football match between rival clubs Barcelona and Real Madrid. A few classmates and I traveled to Barcelona and were able to watch the game in person (and Madrid won!!!!!!!). This experience allowed me to immerse myself in Spanish culture as football is an extremely important aspect of their lives.
What 5 words would you use to describe your experience?
Vibrant, enriching, memorable, adventurous, and immersive.
What was your favorite food or music?
My host dad would make the most amazing paella from scratch in a giant metal paella pan - it was THE BEST! As a big foodie though, I loved tortilla, patatas bravas, manchego, jamón, and now that I am thinking about it honestly every single other food I tried!
What was the most valuable item you took with you on the program?
As basic as it is I would say my phone - I was able to take photos and videos that will forever remind me of the most transformative experience of my life!