Rosina Lin
Rosina Lin (she/her) - Stanford in Oxford
Major: Economics & Music
Minor: Data Science
College year while abroad: Sophomore
About the photo: This is a photo taken at the Oxbridge club in London with my classmates from the “Entrepreneurship in 21st Century” class trip, standing second from the right.
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Why did you choose to study abroad in Oxford?
I chose to study in Oxford because it was an it was an institution that offered unparalleled academic opportunities, a rich tradition of excellence that is similar to Stanford but differs in its culture.
What were your expectations before you went and how did those change once you arrived in Oxford?
When I first went to Oxford, I expected a rigorous academic environment where the focus would be almost entirely on scholarship. I anticipated intense tutorials and long hours of reading and studying. .However, once I arrived, I discovered that while the academics were indeed challenging, the experience was far more holistic than I had imagined. The city's history and the college system all contributed to an environment that was intellectually stimulating but also deeply enriching to me on a personal level.
What were some of the academic benefits from studying abroad in Oxford?
The main benefit for me was the tutorial system. The tutorial system, where I engaged in one-on-one or small group discussions with professors, allowed for personalized feedback and in-depth exploration of topics. These academic benefits not only enhanced my knowledge in my chosen field but also equipped me with skills and experiences that have been essential in my academic and professional journey.
What did you learn about yourself while you were studying abroad?
I realized just how deep my passion for learning runs. The intellectual stimulation of Oxford’s environment reinforced my love for inquiry, research, and continuous personal growth. I found that I enjoyed academics more than I had expected.
What was the most challenging experience you encountered while you were abroad and what did you learn from it?
The most challenging experience might be writing essays. As most of the classes here at Stanford are problem-solving based, I have not taken much classes that required rigorous essay writing. Thus, it was a significant adjustment when I found myself having to write essays that demanded deep analysis and a well-structured argument. Yet with writing support from the program and the feedbacks from my tutor, I was able to improve my writings skills sharply.
What was the biggest cultural adjustment you had to make?
The biggest cultural adjustment I had to make was adapting to the different pace and style of communication. They use more Facebook and WhatsApp at Oxford, and things are usually posted in group chats instead of mailing lists.
What was your favorite part of your everyday life in Oxford?
My favorite part of my everyday life in Oxford is walking done the cobblestone streets. Surrounded by centuries-old architecture, and knowing that some of the greatest minds in history had walked the same paths, filled me with a sense of awe and inspiration every day.
What was the most memorable experience you had while you were in Oxford?
The most memorable experience I had in Oxford was attending a formal dinner at my college. Surrounded by portraits of past scholars, I felt deeply connected to the university’s rich history and traditions. The evening encapsulated the essence of Oxford—intellectual exchange, tradition, and a sense of belonging to something greater than myself.
What 5 words would you use to describe your experience?
Exciting, inspiring, unique, historical, and fun.
What was your favorite food or music?
Oxford local ice cream!
What was the most valuable item you took with you on the program?