Receiving Course Credit

The option to write about your Krupp internship is designed to give you an opportunity to reflect on your experience, considering issues of cultural difference and other relevant themes as they emerge in the workplace and in your daily life in Germany. You can earn up to 3 units of credit.
Paper and Presentation
After your internship and upon returning to Stanford, you will enroll in a directed study course. Through this course, you will complete the following:
- A short bibliography of approximately five works which relate to the themes or areas of the internship.
- A written reflection about the internship, either 10 pages in German or 15 in English.
- A brief presentation of the internship experience to faculty in the German department upon completion of the written work.
You will be expected to do some research into relevant issues (e.g. social, historical, political) that arise from your internship experience; i.e., your paper will need to go beyond simply summarizing your experiences. The best write-ups are those that articulate students’ particular perspective and insights and use the internship experience as a launching point for an analytical discussion of larger issues.
Preparation during the Internship
You will formulate your bibliography of approximately five works which relate to the theme or areas of your internship. This will be done in consultation with an advisor from the German department on the home campus or with an advisor at the Berlin campus. During your internship, you might read from this bibliography list and take notes on your reading. You may also choose to keep a journal of experiences and observations for incorporation into your paper.
Returning to Stanford
Once you're back at Stanford’s home campus, you will select a professor in the German Studies Department to advise your work, and sign up for directed reading with that professor (GERLIT 298 or GERMAN 116). You may negotiate with your advisor for up to 3 units of credit for the course.
Generally, students write their paper during the quarter, and then present it at the end of the quarter. The presentation should include the main points of the paper and the internship experience. Your paper advisor, in addition to two other professors, will attend the presentation and ask questions. It is recommended that you bring helpful props, such as photos, maps, or other documents for the purposes of illuminating the paper. The presentation should take between 30 minutes and an hour, and is thought of more as a chance to share your experiences with the faculty than as a test.
Contact at the Department of German Studies: Professor Adrian Daub