Recent Host Organizations
Here are a few examples of companies and organizations in Japan that have hosted Stanford Program in Kyoto students in the past. Participating host organizations as well as specific opportunities differ year by year. Once students have been accepted into the internship program, the Stanford in Kyoto staff work closely with students and host organizations to design the best possible internship placements and experiences. On occasions when a student requests an internship in an area that we don’t currently have connections with, we strive to source new and relevant internship opportunities for them to the best we can.
Hiroshima Prefectural Government (Hiroshima)
Institute for International Monetary Affairs (Tokyo)
Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies (Tokyo)
Japan Institute for Global Health (Tokyo)
Kyoto University, Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Materials Chemistry (Kyoto)
NEC Corporation, Central Research Laboratories (Kanagawa)
The University of Tokyo, Institute of Industrial Science (Tokyo)
Village Trust Tsukuda Farm (Kyoto)
Yamaha Corporation (Hamamatsu, Shizuoka)
Information for Prospective Host Organizations in Japan
We are very grateful for the continued support and dedication of all participating host organizations in Japan, without which our internship program would not be possible. We strive to continue long-term partnerships with our regular host organizations so that our internship program will be fruitful for both students and host organizations.
In addition, we are also constantly seeking new hosts to match the diverse academic backgrounds of our students. If your organization is based in Japan and are interested in learning about our program, please do not hesitate to contact the Stanford Program in Kyoto Internship Coordinator.