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Cape Town Organizational Projects

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Students engage in various organizational projects, presenting projects and sharing what they have learned throughout the process. Image credits: Julie-Anne Lothian, Environmental Monitoring Group, and Sara De Beer.

As of 2022, Stanford in Cape Town offers students the opportunity to participate in our organizational projects program. Working from a list of existing community partners, students can apply to do small projects devised by organizations.

The form and content of projects will be determined by our partners, and tasks will vary from organization to organization. Potential areas of focus may include: design work for social justice campaigns, web development for new online educational platforms or workshops for community health initiatives.

Commitment to these projects is voluntary and you are welcome to register your interest. If you feel that your experience and background equip you to work with a specific organization or on a particular kind of project, and/or you would like to learn how your skills can be adapted in a South African context, you can respond to an organizational project posting by contacting the Cape Town Organizational Projects Manger, Julie-Anne Lothian

Potential Hosting Organization 

  • Basic Concepts (Early Childhood Education) 
  • SheRocks Global (Podcast)
  • Laureus: Sport for Good (Development)
  • Digital Medic (Public Health)
  • South Africa Makes (Public Health) 
  • Environmental Monitoring Group (Environmental Social Justice)