Classes at Local Institutions
As of Fall 2025, an exciting new exchange agreement between Stanford in Florence and the University of Florence (UniFi) will enable Stanford students to take classes (in English or in Italian) at the local university, and Italian students to join our classrooms. This exchange program will foster academic growth and cultural enrichment for all students involved.
Studio Art and Music majors, and students with advanced visual art studies may also take classes at other local institutions to include respectively the Accademia Italiana, the Accademia del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, and the Studio Marangoni Foundation (website in Italian).
To apply for any local institution class, students must complete this google form outlining their motivation for attending their chosen institution and, if applicable, demonstrating prior and relevant academic experience or professional training (i.e., a list of coursework or a portfolio of previous projects). All applications are subject to final approval by the host institutions.
IMPORTANT NOTE: All classes at local institutions must be taken above 12 units of Stanford in Florence coursework. General university credit towards graduation will be granted, and students may decide to petition their departments to seek major credit.
Please see below further details and application deadlines at each institution or contact the Stanford in Florence staff for further information.
If you apply for these programs, Stanford University may need to share certain personal data you provide to facilitate the application process. The respective institution will process this data in accordance with applicable laws and policies.
Accademia del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino

Musicians visiting Florence who wish to continue their studies can benefit from personalized instruction offered by the Accademia del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino. The Accademia provides one-on-one classical training for voice, piano, string and wind instruments, as well as percussion.
Admission requirements include the submission of an audio or visual recording demonstrating the applicant’s performance skills. Instruction at the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino will require a minimum of 10 hours of private lessons, and at least 5 hours of academy activities.
Application Deadlines: Fall Quarter Deadline: June 1; Winter Quarter Deadline: November 15; Spring Quarter Deadline: February 25.
Accademia Italiana

Florence is truly an ideal location for art students who, in addition to Stanford in Florence Art History courses, have the option of choosing studio art classes from a list of Accademia Italiana offerings (painting, design, free-hand sketching, and more).
Students wishing to partake in this opportunity should submit a portfolio of art coursework or professional training with their application. Students should expect to spend roughly 5 hours per week at the Accademia between classes and individual practice/research.
Application deadlines: Fall Quarter Deadline: June 1; Winter Quarter Deadline: November 15; not offered in the Spring Quarter.
Studio Marangoni Foundation

Students interested in photography, with any level of former experience may enroll in a photography class at the Studio Marangoni. Through engaging lectures, lively discussions, and hands-on assignments, students will learn composition, lighting, and editing, both in the studio and out in the city.
Students interested in this opportunity should submit a paragraph of motivation and a 12-photo portfolio to Stanford in Florence via this google form. Spaces are limited, and acceptance is at the discretion of the Studio Marangoni.
Application deadlines: Spring Quarter Deadline: February 25; not offered in the Fall or Winter Quarters.
University of Florence (UniFi)

Students of all disciplines are encouraged to visit the University of Florence homepage to learn more about this glorious institution, review its BA programs, and explore its classes. Students may also learn about the history and structure of the University of Florence here: History and Profile.
For more information, please read the FAQ below.
Application Deadlines: Fall Quarter Deadline: July 31; Spring Quarter Deadline: January 31; starting from Fall 2025.
UniFi FAQ:
1. How do I apply to Unifi?
To apply, complete the application form by the indicated deadline. The form will ask for:
- Details about relevant prior coursework.
- The UniFi courses you are interested in.
- A paragraph expressing your interest in the program and demonstrating your academic preparedness.
Make sure to review your submission carefully to ensure it meets the application requirements.
2. What courses can I take?
An updated list of available courses in English for each quarter can be found here (link forthcoming)
3. Where are my classes located?
One of UniFi’s unique features is its decentralized campus, with departments located throughout Florence. This will allow you to explore different areas of the city and experience life as a local. All locations are accessible by walking or public transportation. Upon acceptance of an application, students will be provided with a list of available courses and their respective locations.
3. What happens if my application is accepted?
Congratulations! If accepted, you will receive a UniFi matricola (student ID number), credentials, and a UniFi email account. All UniFi doors will be open to you!
4. What access do I gain as a UniFi student?
As a UniFi student, you will have full access to the university’s facilities and services just like all of its other students. For a comprehensive list of available services, refer to this document here (link forthcoming).
5. What about units of credit, workload, and major requirements?
UniFi courses typically involve 3 hours of instruction per week. The amount of total work varies among departments, and units will be calculated according Stanford policy. General university credit towards graduation will be granted, and you may decide to petition your department to seek major credit. Please be sure to collect all the class relevant materials to attach to your petition.
6. How will I be graded?
UniFi uses the Italian grading scale. Passing grades are between 18 and 30, with 30 e lode being the highest distinction. Your grades will be converted to Stanford’s grading system upon completion of the course, ensuring consistency in academic records. The conversion process will account for differences in evaluation criteria between the two institutions.
6. What if I decide to drop the class?
All Stanford policies (shopping, withdrawal deadlines, etc.) also apply to the classes you will take at the University of Florence.
7. How will my UniFi class show on my transcripts and how do I enroll?
For all UniFi courses, students will enroll by using the corresponding OSPFLOR number (to be provided upon acceptance of application). This number will be open in axess, with variable units, for enrollment with a letter grade, or as pass/fail.