Related On-Campus Courses
Santiago Related Courses
ANTHSCI 162: Indigenous Peoples and Environmental Problems
ANTHSCI 162B: Indigenous Peoples and Social Inclusions in Latin America
ANTHSCI 25: Human Ecology of the Amazon
ANTHSCI 27: The Aztecs and Their Ancestors: Introduction to Mesoamerican Archaeology
CASA 106: Tales of Cannibalism and Capital in Latin America
COMPLIT 142: The Literature of the Americas
HISTORY 275F: Social Change in Latin America Since 1900
HISTORY 277H: Political Citizenship and the Formation of the Latin American Republics
HISTORY 279: Latin American Development: Economy and Society, 1800-2000
HISTORY 70: Culture, Politics, and Society in Latin America
POLISCI 141: The Global Politics of Human Rights
POLISCI 245F: Latin American Political Development
POLISCI 248S: Latin American Politics
SPANLIT 161: Survey of Latin American Poetry after Independence
SPANLIT 167: Latin American Short Stories, 20th Century