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Financing Study Away

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Stanford is committed to providing all undergraduates the opportunity to study away with BOSP, regardless of financial circumstances.

Quick Facts

  • Apart from airfare and personal travel expenses, the basic cost of studying with BOSP for a quarter is close to the cost of remaining on campus.
  • Tuition remains the same.
  • Instead of on-campus charges for housing and meal plans, BOSP students are charged an Overseas Fee. While this fee is equivalent to costs associated with on-campus housing and a 19-meal plan, it is not intended to directly translate to room and board. The overseas fee subsidizes costs associated with accommodation, meals provided by the program, instruction, student support, orientations, program excursions, and activities.*
  • Meal plans look different for each program. Some programs provide meals through host families or local dining facilities. Students also may receive stipends to cover costs for meals not provided directly by the program. This stipend amount varies by program and is determined by BOSP according to actual local costs.
  • Personal transportation and expenses will vary for each student.
  • Student Ambassadors and other recently returned students are good sources of information for developing a personal budget.
  • Since participants of BOSP remain registered at Stanford, financial aid continues uninterrupted. The Financial Aid Office automatically adjusts aid packages in accordance with differences in travel and personal expenses while abroad, and with consideration for a student’s inability to work outside of the U.S. Please refer to the FAQs below and consult the Financial Aid Office website for more details and contact Financial Aid Office staff for questions about your individual circumstances.

Cost Breakdown – Quarter Length Programs

The below costs are charged to a student’s University Bill when they participate in a BOSP quarter-length program.

BOSP Approximate Costs per Quarter 2024-25 AmountHome Campus Approximate Costs per Quarter 2024-25Amount
Overseas Fee (includes housing and meals)$7,366Housing$4,530
  Meal Plan$2,578
  Health Services Fee$261
  House Dues$171
  Technology Fee$92
  ASSU/Student Activities Fee$227

* Note: Other University fees may be charged to a student's University Bill, such as the Mail Services fee, which is charged once per year and cannot be pro-rated for time spent away from campus.

Additional Costs

In addition to the above costs, which are charged to each student’s University Bill, BOSP program participants should anticipate some out-of-pocket expenses associated with their participation. If you are receiving Stanford financial aid, please also refer to our FAQs below to learn how your financial aid award will be adjusted for additional travel-related costs.

Global Seminar Costs

Students pay a highly subsidized program fee based on the length of the program. This fee covers only a small part of the total costs and may increase in the future. Students are only charged the program fee and not per-unit tuition. The current program fees are:

 Summer Quarter 2023-24Summer Quarter 2024-25
3-week Seminar$600$750
4-week Seminar$800$1000

Stanford provides students on Global Seminars with: 

  • Housing for the duration of the program
  • All meals for the duration of the program
  • Onsite transportation for all program activities
  • All program excursions and activities for the duration of the program

The program fee does not cover:

  • International travel costs to and from the program location
  • Immigration expenses, including passport and visa costs
  • Pre-departure immunization/vaccination costs
  • Course materials
  • International health insurance
  • In-country cell phone costs
  • Other incidental expenses (such as: laundry and souvenirs or personal travel)

Financial Assistance

BOSP is committed to ensuring access for all students, regardless of financial circumstances, to global learning opportunities. In past years, roughly 50% of students participating in short-term BOSP programs have received financial assistance. Financial need will have no impact on program admission decisions. All applicants will be automatically considered for financial assistance towards the program fee. Students with demonstrated financial need, as determined by the Financial Aid Office, will be notified by BOSP regarding their eligibility for a fee waiver of up to 100% of the program fee. Based on eligibility, some students may also qualify for a travel grant to use towards the cost of travel. Award amounts will be announced after acceptance and students will have time to consider their plans prior to their commitment to participate. Students receiving a Federal Pell Grant may be eligible for additional federal funding as determined by the Financial Aid Office.

Special Summer Programs

For Summer Quarter 2024-25, BOSP will offer 3-to-4-week programs in Cape Town and Santiago. Students pay a highly subsidized program fee based on the length of the programs and credit awarded. This fee covers only a small part of the total costs and may increase in the future. Students are only charged the program fee and not per-unit tuition. For cost details, please visit the Special Summer Cape Town Program page and the Special Summer Santiago Program page.

Financial Aid FAQs


How is my financial aid award recalculated for study away?

If you are accepted into a BOSP program, the Financial Aid Office will automatically revise your financial aid award. You do not need to notify them of your acceptance; BOSP communicates this on your behalf. Your student budget will be increased by a standard amount for travel costs, and if you receive a Stanford need-based scholarship you will automatically be considered for a one-time grant and loans to help with your extra costs. This budget includes estimated costs for airfare, passport/visa, and storage. Costs for books and supplies are already considered and accounted for within the annual financial aid award.

What happens to my work study expectation?

For students whose annual financial aid award includes a work study earnings expectation, the expectation will be removed for the quarter in which the student is enrolled in a BOSP program, including Stanford in New York.

If I am receiving a one-time grant, when and how can I access the funds?

The one-time grants are distributed with other financial aid for the quarter of program participation. Aid disbursement typically happens a few days prior to the first day of classes for the relevant quarter when you are enrolled for 12+ units. Financial aid funds first cover the costs charged to your University Bill. Anything leftover may be refunded to you just before classes start, and used for any costs not charged to your University Bill (ex. flight costs, supplies, miscellaneous expenses).

How should I plan to pay for my flights or other pre-departure costs before my aid is disbursed?

Prior to financial aid disbursement, many students use family resources or current employment earnings to cover immediate needs related to participation in a BOSP program (booking flights, applying for a passport, etc.). You can contact the Financial Aid Office to discuss your individual situation.

Financial Resources

  • Student Jobs: Regulations governing a student’s ability to work vary from country to country. In many cases it is not possible. You may consult the staff at each location for specific information.
  • Emergency Loans: While abroad with Stanford, you may request an emergency loan for unexpected medical bills, delayed checks, or other unforeseen financial need. These are handled directly through the specific program and must be repaid before returning to Stanford.
  • Research Grants: Undergraduate Research offers several grants that can assist with conferences and independent research projects. In some cases, these grants can nicely overlap or bookend a student's time abroad. To learn more about these grants please visit the, Explore Undergraduate Research Student Grants page.
  • Outside Scholarships & Funding: The Office of Global Scholarships, located in Bechtel International Center, is a good source of information on such opportunities. It should be noted, however, that the Financial Aid Office will recalculate award packages to offset external funding.